It is annoying that «visiting card» Batman: Arkham Knight, Contrary to the plan of developers from Rocksteady Studios, It was not a Batmobile at all, but a disgusting PC version. Even the top video cards are not able to support the stable 60 FPS, and there is nothing to say about the weaker “hardware” – the owners can only compete in wit in the Steam user reviews and hope for the best. Is it a joke – publisher, company Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, was forced to suspend sales of computer «Knight of Arkham» Just a couple of days after their start.
Why annoying? Yes, because behind the ongoing stream of a well-known substance (although he should recognize the honored person-the buyer has the right to demand a quality product) hides an excellent, in general, game.
The darkest night
Not everything is calm not only in the computer kingdom, but also in Gotham. After the lull that came thanks to the death of the Joker, the storm is coming – the scarecrow intends to spray to the city of toxin, which, of course, does not promise living organisms anything good. All civilian urgently evacuate. The gangs of thugs are ruled on the streets, and only a billionaire in a cure suit can save the position, of course.
Another story about the “Battle of the Soul of Gotham” shakes dust from already familiar topics. What price does the people’s avenger pay, dedicating friends and loved ones to his secrets? How he is ready to sacrifice for their safety? These problems of superheroes have repeatedly been investigated both in comics and in their film adaptations, and hardly Arkham Knight looked at them from a new, non -standard side. However, it is worth paying their due to the scriptwriters – they really succeeded in several emotional scenes. True, it was not without typical comic conventions, or even a frank stupidity that will make even those who do not perceive such stories too seriously.
The main disappointment is, in fact, the personality of the Knight Arkham. If without spoilers, then that the killer is a gardener, you will guess long before he enters the stage and announces this (to the greatest surprise of the protagonist – but how otherwise?). Fortunately, the master of “intrigues” loomes almost all the time somewhere on the periphery, and you are unlikely to be upset because of this-all the show will successfully steal … Another character.
If you are not tired of collecting trophies of the mysterious in past parts, you can be happy – a couple more hundred awaits you.
Take Me Down To Gotham City ..
Much more interesting than any cardboard villain Gotham himself. Artists and designers Rocksteady They do not stop hitting with their talent, and the new generation consoles finally allowed them to make the city the way it seems to be conceived. Rain, neon signs reflected in puddles, a huge number of details in the frame, a variety of architecture – beauty! Admiring the views that open during flights above the roofs, you understand: this is exactly the Gotham that everyone wanted to see since time Arkham asylum.
It’s a pity only to call the city alive in any way. Since almost all peaceful inhabitants are evacuated, a rather deserted picture opens before us – about any illusion of life and “sandbox”, of course, there is no question. Random bandits filling the air with funny dialogues, and car traveling through the streets are almost all that you will observe during travels from the assignment to the assignment. Not that the previous parts were different, but do not expect something supernatural from Gotham.
At all, Arkham Knight suffers from a common disease – most of the potential of the open world goes to routine tasks. It is better to immediately cross out of the list of cases by stripping the ubiquitous «towers» from the invaders, the neutralization of bombs and the salvation of firefighters – in this regard «Knight of Arkham» There is nothing to offer.
Fortunately, the game has other side missions. Almost all “registered” tasks related to the search and capture of some kind of scumbag is a completely different story. Bruce Wayne will bring both the serial killer and prevent the gang of two -faced to clean the banks, and find out the sad story of a not too smart scientist. All this, of course, with KAT scenes, dialogues and other advantages of multimillion-dollar AAA projects. In other words, if you are not going to receive all “Achivka”, such tasks will be enough so as not to remember the troubles of firefighters and the rest of the “Jubisoft”.
In a fairly entertaining detective mini-game, you need to squeeze records from video surveillance chambers to find evidence.
Evaluating the chances
Well, the best authors, of course, were stocked for the main plot. Like the previous games of the series, most of the time Arkham Knight offers to engage in the beating of criminals and stealth, but now Batmobile has been added to familiar elements. And the developers did not lie when they claimed that they would pay him no less attention than the most “eared”.
Firstly, the tank on wheels is simply damn: the first appearance of a steel beast, the design of which is clearly inspired by films Christopher Nolan (Christopher Nolaan), under the predatory roar of the engine – one of the brightest moments in the game. Secondly, from a simple concept-the car may not believe, go quickly, as well as go to combat mode and shoot from a machine gun and a 60-mm gun-the authors squeezed out the maximum. Both the simple spatial puzzles and chases are built on the use of the car (Gotham wide streets are perfectly adapted for this, and there are enough destroyed objects on them), and battles with “bosses”, and even somewhat comical, but still stealth.
Battles with drones are uncomplicated – you only need to maneuver between the helpful trajectories of the flight of enemy shells and accurately shoot in response. But such episodes are quite fleeting and dynamic to diversify the gameplay and at the same time not annoy. Only a couple of times the developers refuse a sense of proportion, and we are literally thrown by enemy technique. However, in general – again, provided that you will not be distracted by the fresh “side effect” – just as much as it is necessary.
But the benefit of the car, as a means of transportation, is quite dubious, it is much more convenient and, most importantly, to fly to the destination with a cloak and hook faster than to rumble along the streets, scaring criminals and collecting poles. Therefore, the moments when we are imposed by a Batmobile and force us, say, to take the detainee to the site, they seem completely optional and even superfluous.
Sorry, a sad fireman, but I will never save your friends – this is an additional task too dull.
Fear and Muzzle in Gotham
Of course, the pillars on which the gameplay of the series rests from the first part: hand -to -hand fights and secretly elimination of armed villains – did not disappear.
Many studios tried to recreate the «two -button» combat system (remember at least Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor And Sleeping Dogs), But Arkham Knight makes it clear – to do better Rocksteady Maybe only herself Rocksteady. She did. In fact, the process remained the same – the dark knight knows how to beat, counterattack and stun with a cloak. In almost all fights, we only need to alternate these tricks in time. However, there are a couple of new tricks – you can use the environment, effectively imprinting the representatives of the criminals in electrical panels, and put the sticks into the business, having previously taken them away from careless bandits. But there’s nothing to say about the Dual Play system-sometimes we just allow us to scratch your fists as other characters, such as Robin or Woman Cos, and conduct a couple of joint combinations with Batman.
Despite the fact that such a combat system is simple, and many turn his nose away from her, considering such an entertainment unworthy of their «platinum» in Devil May Cry, She still does not get bored. Developers very skillfully diversify the process and always feel when you need to add something fresh. Over time, new enemies appear, for example, healthy shields or soldiers in electrified armor, which first must be discharged with a shot. In addition, Batman himself, as before, can be “pumped”, opening new tricks and making it more and more “cheating”.
Finally, all this is simply incomparably animated, and the management is convenient and responsive-here you will not miss a blow because the hero somehow reacted incorrectly to your teams. You perceive even the most boring additional missions if they give them a fight, the choreography of hand -to -hand battles, when the Dark Knight deftly flies from one enemy to another, intercepts blows, wringes his hands and aptly gives into the jaw, fascinates.
All praises are also relevant for stealth epizodes. As in the already classic Arkham asylum, The hero crawls through ventilation, observes armed opponents from above and silently sends loners to sleep. From this Rocksteady Successfully makes several hours of interesting gameplay, combining different locations and types of enemies: doctors who lead to a sense of defeated partners;Thunder with the «minigans», which should be left in the end;operators managing drones.
You can go through small “sandboxes” rooms in many different ways-it is not for nothing that Batman is hung with gadgets (they also allow them to “pump”). The most funny is to try to collect all the enemies nearby and apply a new technique called Fear Takedown: in a pathos slowdown in time, Bruce will cut down from two to five villains at once. There are other options – to set the flying drone on the poor fellow using the device for remote hacking;or shoot from the Destructor to the doctor’s satchel, so that, providing first aid to a comrade, receives a life -giving charge of electricity.
Let the stealth cannot be called hardcore, you should not relax – at the level of the complexity of Hard, the price of error is high. In addition, opponents react to your actions – they begin to install mines and turrets, look in ventilation or walk in pairs. It is such an abundance of opportunities, types of rivals and their reactions that bribes the most.
It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Batman: Arkham Knight There are flaws, and some are quite serious. The open world can only be called so conditional, and at the same time there is enough routine in it. The plot is remembered rather by separate comedy and rare dramatic scenes (I will not specify, in order to protect you from spoilers) than history as a whole – although this is seemingly the final chapter, which was supposed to make an unhealthy impression on the public.
On the other hand, these shortcomings do not seem so significant in comparison with one fact: in Arkham Knight It is simply nice to play. The developers have successfully developed all gameplay mechanics and juggle them with talent accessible to few in the industry. Perhaps in the next projects the authors should direct more effort to the script, and not to attempts to create a maximum of content so that the buyer is glad to kill for tens of hours. But even in the current form «Knight of Arkham» – One of the best games based on comics in general and about Batman in particular.
Pros: Perfectly animated hand -to -hand fighting;diverse stealth;Gotham excellent design;Almost all the obligatory and “registered” additional missions constantly surprise and offer something new;Some plot scenes really succeeded.
Cons: There is really nothing to do in the open world;»Tower» and other routine;Sometimes developers are directly imposing a Batmobile;not too original and exciting story;Ugly PC version.
Batman: Arkham Knight
The best comments
After reading the result, as well as the pros and cons, it somehow did not reach me why it was amazing … Especially when the plot is described as “not very”
Despite the fact that such a combat system is simple, and many will turn his nose away from her, considering such an entertainment unworthy of their “platinum” in Devil May Cry
Because it is Batman!:)
Although yes, I also consider the assessment of the overestimated, especially taking into account the fact that the SG was absolutely spitting on the fact that the incidents were done with the PC Port, well, since the site obviously has long become dedicated to the consoles, you can forgive it.
I did not consider it necessary to reduce the evaluation of the console game due to the quality of the PC version. He noted this moment in the introduction and conclusion, so that those who want to buy on a computer are in the know-this is enough, in my opinion. It is bad, of course, that it came out with the port (although my Framrame was quite stable, but this is not an excuse, ok), but the game did not become worse from this.
There is really nothing to do in the open world;»Tower» and other routine;Sometimes developers are directly imposing a Batmobile;not too original and exciting story;
maybe he really has a version for PS4 on the computer did not start. ) And he hoped to play without lags. )
This is the same as at school to excellent students, out of the teacher’s habit, put the five in situations when they could not have deserved it, out of habit, so to speak.
Then remove the item «relevant for the platform». Just on the same methacritic for each separate platform its own assessment, but here it turns out a review on the PC version – the city of empty, towers, Port Mr.-means raisins. If it were, that the review on PS4, I would not say a word. Let this be an isolated case, but still wrong
It was a shame to see in Batman, the game is simply manual dressing, quests in the spirit of “save the fire brigade: 1/10 completed” or “neutralize the mines of the Knight of Arkham: 1/6 completed”. As if they had to score an open world, and the publisher rushed.
In fact, these routine tasks are quite quickly and easy to pass, if you do some part along the path during the passage and then the remaining after passing. And besides, in any case, if you want an adequate ending, you need to go through all this, including all riddles. Now I’m going through a new game +, I just can’t come off this Batman 🙂
In the form in which he manifests itself in the third game, he does not cause due disgust and respect as an enemy. True, for this you need to play it
Mordor, by the way, showed the perfect two -button battle. No curves, without ridiculous jumps 10 meters from opponents to the enemy ..
IMHO, but obviously not amazing. And firewood throws the price tag to the same ps4 version in the fire.
At the very beginning, the review is written " Disgusting PC version". And how can I affect the fact that the inconspication was done with a firing version? In the disadvantages, this item is indicated, because of this, to put a passage of chtoli? Or take Polygon magazine policy, which 3 times changed the Battlefield 4 rating as it came to it patches
I do not cease to be amazed at Stopgame, “commendably” almost perfect Transistor, and “amazingly” to a very secondary new Batman.Objectivism, gentlemen. The face.
There are a lot of shortcomings for the highest score. The whole plot seemed to be pulled by the ears, I am still amazed at what kind of butters of the poverty of the knight Arkham was at hand a whole army, again the question, in the city under the nose of our hero, the revolution is almost made with a ton of tanks and the army of the thugs (not some gopniks from the gateways, but trained specialists), and he was neither in spirit, as in an Anibiosis, all this time, all this time, all this time.And here – woke up, and the city is already blazing the fire of the revolution. Compared to Arkham City, it feels like the plot was written on the left knee, there are very few villains and they are not very interesting, Betman himself constantly reflects like what thread is a 17 year old teenager.
Damn the tower, for this you can immediately cut the assessment because the gentlemen developers as much as you can. Why did Arkham City suffer from this? He found a fortune of content to score an open world. And here is the whole, his mother, the city. And nobody.
After the passage, the impression was based on the second part of Dark Souls, it seems like the game is high -quality (God forbid everyone to do such), and I got pleasure, but you still feel that you have been deceived, did not reach, checked.
Something else, it seems that the plot was made with an eye on Nolan and his extremely serious trilogy with a human drama at the head. For many, Batman, this is primarily a comic book, in this regard, Arkham City was perfect and squeezed all the juices with a comic base with a comic base.
And damn the ending, one of you really collected all the questions (about 250 pieces if that) to find out how it all ended? I doubt that at least 10% of the entire audience of this game did it, only units have platinum on a curling iron. Why, Rockstedi, why hide the only ending under a layer of teenage? You understand that in your right mind, it is unlikely that anyone will do this to see a couple of minutes of the final symbol. I am sure that many, like me, looked at her on YouTube and lost nothing.
And do you really think that Rockstedi will take and throw his bread in the middle of the road? I am sure that there will be branches, continuation and other rethinking. Everyone wants to eat, and experiments can do it dearly.
It’s hard to say. I really liked her, but how did Arkham City at one time did not hook. However, it is not recommended to pass by.
NDAAAAAAAAA, with a knight really a puncture came out.Those who in the topic of his personality guessed before the exit of the game, for those who are not in the subject, too, everything is quite obvious.And the fact that he is among the villains on the second roles and forever hysteria also does not paint him.